Dustin and Lesley Wedding
I don't like to spam everyone with 200+ photos so I figured putting it neatly in a film strip comic would justify how amazing this wedding was! It was truly an honor to have been the wedding photographer for Dustin and Lesley's wedding! I had sooo much fun shooting my first wedding and would definitely do more weddings in the future! ...
Family Portrait Session in Edmonton Strathcona Area
I approached my old time junior high friends personally for a family portrait session on location. I was so excited when I found out that the family were just thinking of getting a family photographer in town =) Kory and Brittney were both friends I knew from junior high. We haven't seen each other in close to 8 years! It was so awesome to get to meet their daughter who I have only seen pictures of on facebook. She is definitely cuter in person! This will mark my first on...
Portrait Session around University Area in Edmonton I mpStudio
Another portrait photography day in Edmonton! So Iris and I have been friends for quite some time now, and we would have dinner talks periodically to catch up, but today I've decided to talk her into a photo session. *Evil laughter* Iris has always been a pretty chill person so I already knew she would agree to be in my photos. I'm practicing for an upcoming wedding gig, so finding anyone with no modeling experience would obviously be a no brainer right? Iris got off work and was dressed in business casual attire, so...
Flower Market Road, Hong Kong | mpStudio Street Photography
Missing Piece Studio takes you down the must go destination when looking for a tourist friendly market where selling and shopping for flowers are the only focus. Right out of Prince Edward Station MTR train station, house plants and anything gardening related is for sale all year round! For more on how to get here see this link: http://www.discoverhongkong.com/eng/shop/where-to-shop/street-markets-and-shopping-streets/flower-market.jsp ...
Banff Johnston Canyon Lower Trail
We scheduled this trip right when the great Alberta flood hit and so we had to cancel until they reopen again. Water wasn't clear like it should, but we definitely got to see some really cool new things many people may not be able to witness! We arrived really late so we only had time to walk the shorter lower trail. ...