Missing Piece Studio - Alberta Wedding & Lifestyle Photography and Videography > Blog  > Outdoor Photography Session in Edmonton Wheat Field
A couple walking down the beautiful Alberta Wheat Field in Edmonton

Outdoor Photography Session in Edmonton Wheat Field

-Edmonton Wheat Field Engagement Photography-_0003Today’s outdoor photography session takes place in the great Alberta wheat field in Edmonton! What an amazing session! Unlike the Canola field I have recently taken, the wheat field definitely gives a very different cast and tone to the photo. I love how fuzzy and texturized these wheat plants gives!

Calgary Outdoor photography session

-Edmonton Outdoor Photography session Wheat FieldThis couple is seriously so silly. I think they kind of forgot about me and went off to do their own thing haha. During the shoot a farm dog got loose and really wanted to play with us. We were a bit scrunched on time and photo bombing was not good! So we had to leave the dog alone and drive off a bit further to finish our session.
-Calgary Wheat Field Edmonton Engagement Photography-_0005Sun was setting and I can really feel the fall breeze starting to arrive. The weather has been very on and off and I was glad they could come a bit earlier than the scheduled time to do the shoot. Mosquitos starting to come out as soon as the sun went down. Fortunately I had some bug spray with me for the client and I.
-Calgary Wheat Field Engagement Photography-_0004 On location engagement photography session

“If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning.”


Couple laying on a field love is in the air as the couple spend time in a beautiful alberta field 032-Calgary Wheat Field Edmonton Engagement Photography _WEB 019-Calgary Wheat Field Edmonton Engagement Photography _WEB 009-Calgary Wheat Field Edmonton Engagement Photography _WEB guy gives a piggy back to the girl in a beautiful field

Vincent van Gogh

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