Light Painting Photography in Edmonton
A light painting photography day (night to be exact) like no others! If you’ve followed the last post I messaged the good people down at University of Alberta Photography Club for a shoot focusing on light painting photography, and managed to grab whole bunch of people along with a few of my friends to this shoot! The whether was definitely not as cold as the last day, and it was around 10pm when we started, and we played around and chatted till really late before we really got down to business. It was really cool because I met a guy who’re super into light sabers and he did some seriously impressive moves with it!
Technical Aspect
All the shots here were shot by me using the Nikon CLS system with two SB-700 speedlight and my Nikon D7000. The optical slave is extremely reliable and I cannot believe how far I could reach without using any speed triggers and wireless remotes! Normally, late night portraits shoot like these is simply a challenge of balancing available light and lighting up the subjects. Now we really have to think outside of the box, and with that many people showing up, lighting up a groupĀ and painting has to be extra careful!
Fixing the ghosting in long exposure was the number one difficulty I could not hurdle every time I shoot. I find that finding a dark environment and having a faster shutter speed would solve this issue.
I’ll hope to compile a tutorial in the future on this. Meanwhile, enjoy the photos!
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