Bridesmaid Photo Fun

Went down to Sherwood Park for a photo session with these ladies. I was contacted by one of the bridesmaid and was asked to do a photo session with just the girls a week before Oli’s actual wedding. What an honor! In my opinion, I think the key to a successful relationship/marriage lies largely on the married couple’s friends and family as well. These bridesmaid are definitely just as important to this session as the bride to be! So I sort of decided to leave Oli the bride out as the centre of attention, and treat this shoot as a celebration of their friendships and relationships. These girls were all a lot of fun to work with! We ended up going on a small tiny hike somewhere I selected and used the mid-day overcast sky to our advantage and worked out some pretty awesome photos here.

Sherwood Park Edmonton-scenery-forest-nature-mpstudio-000 Sherwood Park Edmonton-scenery-bridge-forestnature-mpstudio-004Sherwood Park Edmonton-scenery-destination-mpstudio-002 Sherwood Park Edmonton-scenery-bridge-forest-nature-mpstudio-006Sherwood Park Edmonton-beautiful-summer-mpstudio-003 Sherwood Park Edmonton-scenery-bridge-forest-nature-mpstudio-001 Sherwood Park Edmonton-scenery-bridge-forest-nature-mpstudio-004 Sherwood Park Edmonton-beautiful-places-forest-nature-mpstudio-005 Sherwood Park Edmonton-scenery-bridge-forestnature-mpstudio-008 Sherwood Park Edmonton-portrait-bridgePhotography-017 Sherwood Park Edmonton-bridesmaid-Photography-026 Sherwood Park Edmonton-bridesmaid-Photography-025 Sherwood Park Edmonton-bridesmaid-Photography-021 Sherwood Park Edmonton-bridesmaid-Photography-030 Sherwood Park Edmonton-bridesmaid-Photography-023

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