Banff Johnston Canyon Lower Trail

We scheduled this trip right when the great Alberta flood hit and so we had to cancel until they reopen again. Water wasn’t clear like it should, but we definitely got to see some really cool new things many people may not be able to witness! We arrived really late so we only had time to walk the shorter lower trail.Johnston Canyon Johnston Canyon Trail Banff Lake Luise Alberta Canada  02Johnston Canyon Trail Banff Lake Luise Alberta Canada
banff johnston canyon Banff Johnston Canyon Flood Destruction Johnston Canyon Trail Banff Lake Luise Alberta Canada  02 Johnston Canyon Lower Trail  04 Johnston Canyon Lower Trail  06 Johnston Canyon Lower Trail  05 Johnston Canyon Lower Trail  06 Johnston Canyon Lower Trail  03 Johnston Canyon Lower Trail  02 Johnston Canyon Lower Trail 01 Johnston Canyon Trail Banff Lake Luise Alberta Canada 04 Johnston Canyon Lower Trail



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